Why the Buddha Never Walked Away: A Humble View on the Transformative Power of Love.

[blockquote source=”From the Metta Sutta, Discourse on Loving-Kindness“]”so with boundless heart should one cherish all living beings; radiating kindness over the entire world: Spreading upward to the skies, and downward to the depths; outward and unbounded, freed from hatred and ill-will.”[/blockquote]

I have always been moved by this passage, from the Metta Sutta, a Discourse on Loving-Kindness – and, in which, the Buddha speaks directly to the nature of thoughts and actions which lead to radiating loving-kindness.

To radiate is such a powerful word, don’t you think? It helps us to visualize the energy behind the action, to bridge the gap between body and spirit; to demonstrate that the roots of all actions are sown deeply within the richness of mind.

And, these words have truly shaped my interaction with this world.

It’s difficult to keep a calm head when we are distressed, particularly if we allow fear to motivate our response. However, our reaction will only serve to change the dynamics of the situation, and not necessarily provide us with peace of mind.

And, we so very much need peace of mind as we are navigating through.

Perhaps, this is one of the greatest challenges in our awakening – to offer kindness, in the face of great adversity, to transform an ill moment, into one comprised of love?

And, you’re not the only one. Why, not even the Buddha was safe from the harm. Those who feared or misunderstood his teachings, including his own cousin Devaddata, desperately attempted to murder him. But, they were always unsuccessful.


Because, the Buddha recognized the divine within all of us; and as such, regarded all beings with unconditional loving-kindness. So much so, that he inspired others to radiate these feelings, as well.

And, so as we do, we inspire.  Something, I dare say we’ve only just begun to realize.

Such is the power of the Buddha’s loving-kindness, that not even a murderous rage could prevail.

So, why didn’t the Buddha simply walk away? To leave the company of those who wished him such grave harm?

Because, he knew that this energy must be transformed, and perhaps, he knew – that he was the only one able to do it.

And, just as Mother protecting the life of her child, so too, must we nurture this spirit of love.

This is my blessing for this day, my friends: blogger-image-534325196

[blockquote]”Let none deceive another, or despise any being in any state. Let none through anger or ill-will wish harm upon another. Even as a mother protects with her life her child, her only child, so with boundless heart should one cherish all living beings; radiating kindness over the entire world: Spreading upward to the skies, and downward to the depths; outward and unbounded, freed from hatred and ill-will.”[/blockquote]

In love and equanimity, my friends… “in gladness and in safety, may all beings be at ease”



Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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