The Gift These Gardens Bring.

[blockquote source=”Greg Livington”]”Shall we compare our hearts to a garden—with beautiful blooms, straggling weeds, swooping birds and sunshine and rain—and most importantly, seeds?“[/blockquote]

My darlings, I have always believed that when one shares a flower from their garden ~ they are not just giving of the bloom itself.

They are giving of the earth, which has been so carefully tilled and nourished…

They are giving of the sun, which has so diligently attended to even the smallest of bloom…

They are giving of their spirit, the very essence which secured the petals growth…

But mostly, they are giving of their love, the love infused throughout every living cell and which continues to share, again, with this world.

Feel the softness of the Peonies petals, and you will know instantly the extent of that care.

Look beyond where the wild lavender grows, and you’ll see the endless adventures all beginning at the tip of one little puppy dog’s nose.

My dears, a garden is comprised of so much more than its blooms. It is a representation of the delicate balance between the earth and the divine.

In looking out to this garden, there is never one flower I favor more than the other. To do so, would cause imbalance and suffering. For, as one single flower flourished, the rest would soon decline.

In Buddhism, this is referred to as ‘upeksha’ – meaning, a love which is shared with equanimity and non-attachment of spirit. Within it, there resides this seed of wisdom, which removes “all boundaries, discrimination and prejudices while leading to the sublime unity where there is no self and no other; without Upeksha, love becomes possessive.

This is the foundation of true source love. One that transcends the limitations of desire, and offers the space for the heart to grow.

My dears, the moment our love becomes possessive, it begins to imprison us. And, what we first held as joy, may soon become our deepest pain.

But, when we are able to express love without limitation, my dears…just look at what is shared in return!

The Buddha once said that no matter what ‘poisons’ may befall this great earth – it will love us equally and without discrimination.

I like to view these gardens as a representation of that spirit – unwavering in its capacity to transcend.


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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