With Courage Enough to Grow.

Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote, that “the essence of all beautiful art, of all great art, is gratitude.”

I think quite often of this energy of gratitude — knowing, that in a single, fleeting instance we may be gifted the opportunity to uplift, to inspire, to transcend.

To see this world, and everything in it – as truly sacred, once again.

Though, in order to foster gratitude, we must be fearless – unafraid of past injustice, and willing to venture courageously into the ‘unknown’.

Oh, but far easier said than done – now, isn’t it?

For, even with the greatest of intention, we may still fall victim to Doubt’s heavier hand.

I’m reminded of a Buddhist prayer, and please pardon my paraphrase: “May I be gifted difficulty so that my heart may open to compassion.”

My darlings, can you imagine wishing for something like that? To invite the challenge of hardship and suffering, simply that the heart may expand its capacity to ‘swell’.

“If we cannot be happy in spite of our difficulties,” asks Maha Ghosananda. “then, what good is our spiritual practice?”

In the Buddhist tradition, we are reminded that life is comprised of “10,000 joys and 10,000 sorrows” — and, that we exist, in perpetual balance, between the two.

And though, we may hope for loving-kindness around each corner, the truth is – that life isn’t always as welcoming as we might wish. There may be pain, upset, and life-altering circumstances. Likewise, there is always a place for peace.

And gratitude forms/is the bridge which takes us there.

And, with gratitude – we find the means to grow.

“As gratitude grows it gives rise to joy.” shares Buddhist teacher, Jack Kornfield. “We can be joyful for people we love, for moments of goodness, for sunlight and trees, and for the breath within our breast. And as our joy grows we finally discover a happiness without cause. Like an innocent child who does not have to do anything to be happy, we can rejoice in life itself, in being alive.”

My darlings, can you imagine a joy just as this? Absent the burden of emotional judgement, and brimming with an unconditional, loving awareness.

In seeing this world as continuously new, my darlings – only then can we know the depths of our own inner-gratitude.

Namaste, my loves ~ and, on this day I wish your brilliantly, delicate heart courage enough to grow.


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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