Be Grateful for Those Moments In Between.

“Be grateful for those moments in between,”he smiled.

I’d been having a particularly difficult day – a water pipe had burst causing me to be late for work, and I had forgotten my meeting notes on the kitchen counter.

And moment by moment, I allowed my day to become progressively worse – falling behind in the frenzy of tasks, and overall not having such a good day.

“Be grateful for the moments in between,” he said again.

He was a colleague of mine from many years ago, who had watched his own child succumb to a deadly disease.

“He was just 4 when he died,” he once shared to me. At the time, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever find his way through – the heartache, the confusion, the pain were so big, and his heart, as he put it, ‘was so very small.’

“It’s as if you were seeing the mountain peak from the road,” he said. “And all you could consider was that journey ahead.”

Suddenly, we are overwhelmed by the daunting complexity of our human experience.

We struggle to make sense, before ever moving forward. We lose faith, stopping before the journey begins.

But, life isn’t all challenge, my friends. For even in our most difficult moments, there’s always a place to rest.

“Be grateful for the moments in between,” he said as he went on to describe those last precious moments, giggling with his son by his side.

“That’s the good stuff, the magic,” he said. “It’s all those moments in between.”

I’ve never forgotten our conversation that day. And, whenever I’m feel that sense of overwhelmed – I think of the gift he once shared with me:

My darlings, “be grateful for those moments in between.”

As they are rich beyond what any words can say.

Namaste, my loves ~ ❤️


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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