Helping Love to Grow.

I watched a little one nearest my garden today. She was crouched down and staring intently at the last of the daffodil blooms.

Curious, I wandered closer to ask, “Good morning, darling ~ is there something I can do to help you.”

Without breaking her gaze, this little pinafored beauty replied, “Mommy said flowers need love to bloom, so I’m giving all mine to it.”

What a precious statement of loving presence – no words to pass, rather simply honoring the space between.

We had a long talk, she and I, about ‘nurturing the bloom’ – about how the earth, the sky, the sun, and the water…all came together to help form its beauty.

“Even the worms?” she asked, with scrunched up nose.

“Yes, even the worms had a little something to share.”

“So, love is about everything all together?” she asked.

“Yes,” I smiled “all together to form the very best parts.”

With that she dusted off and started on her way, but not before a shortbread, of course.

“Ms. Lemieux,” she said, just before turning away “I think your flowers are happiest because you love them.”

How gracious to have been gifted this moment of zen, from the heart of another little loving ‘bloom.’

Namaste, my loves ~ ❤️


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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