A Blessing for Those Better Parts.

What does it mean to miss another?

Are we missing the absolute core of their being or more simply the better part of our being together?

A young man asked me this question this morning and, quite honestly… I wasn’t sure how to answer. Certainly, we both been hurt by the pain of having to let go. But what is the genesis of our longing?

I thought of it for short while before answering, “Isn’t it the better part that always remains?”

We take with us those aspects of another human soul – the ‘better part’, as I like to say. And no matter where we travel throughout this world, those better parts are here to stay.

Why, not even the passage of time with its trickery over sentiment can dare to diminish that which has already been shared — those passages of moments in which we were inexplicably connected to another human soul.

No, no, no — the better parts will always remain. Even when form has faded and we feel we’ve lost our way, they are still there, my loves.

And, if we walk away with those better parts then how can we complain?

Missing is such a tricky business – though the heart may logically know, it is hesitant to relinquish what it perceives as forever intertwined.

And though, love may sometimes cause our heart to break – it does so only to leave its gift, “the better part” of another human spirit, something we might not have otherwise known.

I’m not sure if my words helped this young man today though, he seemed to smile – and for that I’m ever-grateful.

What does it mean to miss another? My darlings, it means we have lived.


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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