Why We Need to be Broken.

One of the more difficult aspects of our practice is learning to welcome all things. That is, to have both the patience and courage to embrace this life ‘just as it is.’

Sure, it’s easy to welcome a sunny day at the cusp of spring, just as they flowers are beginning to push past their slumber. But, what about when the clouds roll in? When the skies fall to ashen grey and the fear of thunder looms?

How easily our worlds collapse at the first hint of trouble. We pull away, we draw tightly inward – we forget there are much bigger things at play. In those moments, faith – once trusted – becomes obscured. We lose sight, we forget our purpose, we tumble forward into resignation.

And, yet?

Life carries on with or without us. But, always we have this choice, my loves – to accept life’s most exquisite risk.

“The tendency to run away from suffering,” reminds Thich Nhat Hanh “is there within every one of us…Getting in touch with suffering will help us cultivate compassion and love. Without understanding and love we can’t be happy, and we can’t make other people happy. We all have the seeds of compassion, forgiveness, joy, and non-fear in us. If we’re constantly trying to avoid suffering, there is no way for these seeds to grow.”

So, you see – even at these seemingly catastrophic moments, there is still something glorious to be gained. It is the gift of patience, of hope, and of love – reflecting the very nature of our delicate human souls.

Without which, there would be no Oskar Schindlers to share acceptance where there was none. Nor, any Mahatma Gandhis to offer a peaceful course.

Make no mistake, my dearest darlings… This brokenness you feel?

It is exactly what this world needs most of all.

With heartfelt blessings of love and of light ~

Namaste ❤️


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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