What Does Love Truly Mean?

I once met a man many years ago; his smile exuded that of a tempered patience and a willingness to ‘always look past.’

No matter the circumstances, nor dire the condition – he’s simply nod and say, “this too shall pass.”

To him, all of life was an exercise in impermanence. “Why should I worry,” he’d ask “when it’s already changing.”

One day he joined me as I was sitting alone on a garden bench. The smoke from his pipe trailed circles in the air, reminding me of my father’s favorite tobacco. “You know, my father smoked a pipe,” I smiled and leaned forward, drawing a breath big enough to fill my lungs.

“Ms. Tara,” he winked, chewing his pipe. “That feeling right there, should be with you every moment.”

It was my first exposure to the ease of being fully present – a simple memory predicated upon a tobacco’s sweetened leaf. From that moment on, whenever feeling overwhelmed – I let memory fall back to that single moment in time.

When my father passed away, I was asked which items I most wanted – only one, a tinder box filled with each of his old pipes. Now I have the memory to hold in hand, though – the one carried in heart is far better still.

Following his passing, I came across an old letter penned just after this meeting with my friend. I had cried on the phone explaining how much I missed him, to which he said – you can’t miss what’s always there.

Love – love is the gift my father always shared with me; unconditionally and without expectation.

The signature from that letter is now penned to my wrist, viewable each and every time I write.

True story, my loves – and one I wish to share with you today. A little something to consider throughout your day.

Love transcends all barriers, my darlings. And love is what ultimately heals all.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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